
Five Simple Steps to Go Green

Five Simple Steps to Go Green

Five Simple Steps to Go Green

Going Green is the new buzz phrase, but unlike others, this one should not be a passing fad. People the whole world over are asking how they can become more eco friendly and help support the planet by making changes to their daily routines. The following is 5 simple steps that everybody can easily employ to Go Green!

1. Reconsider What You Eat

The traditional concept of shopping for all of our food at the large, nationwide supermarkets is not necessarily good for you and the planet. While it is unquestionable the most convenient, there are alternatives, such as your local Farmers Market.

Food from the large grocery stores is most often grown using pesticides and fertilizers which can be harmful for the water supply. Also, the large farms that are used to grow the food often utilize farm equipment that emits a large amount of greenhouse gasses.

By shopping at the local farmers market, you will be buying food that is grown without synthetic chemicals and is quite often tastier and more nutritious. Try visiting your local farmers market on Saturday morning and stock up on healthy home grown food that is good for you and the planet.

2. Reconsider Your Home Energy Source

Home appliances, particularly those in the kitchen, can be a tremendous waste of energy and an unnecessary monthly expense. Almost all appliances available on the market today are Energy Star rated. By buying EPA backed energy efficient appliances, a person can reduce their energy by up to 33% in some cases.

If you have appliances that are 7 years or older; newer versions will certainly be more energy efficient. The most inefficient appliance is the refrigerator. Buying a newer refrigerator can make an immediate impact on your monthly energy bill.

Also, consider energy providers that reinvest their profits into research for efficient energy sources. A quick internet search for your local area should provide you with several options for these companies. They also often have lower rates then the larger corporations too.

3. Reconsider Cleaning Products

Most home cleaning products have an unnecessarily high amount of toxins. Today, more companies are thankfully offering cleaning products that more eco friendly.

The cleaning supplies that have high amount of chemicals are not only bad for our water supply but they can be unhealthy for people who use them too. New products utilize plant based detergents and botanicals that are not only more eco friendly, but smell better and clean better too!

For your outdoors, try switching to organic lawn and gardening supplies and avoid traditional pesticides and fertilizer. The fact is toxic chemical cleaners and fertilizer is expensive and potentially unhealthy and the marketplace now has several great alternatives. Shop for the products with the lowest toxicity and you will be surprised by the results.

4. Reconsider Beauty Supplies

This is an area that is often overlooked. Consider that most makeup products are full of synthetic chemicals. These chemicals go right down the water drain when removed and can be very harmful to our water supply. It is still unclear what the long term side effects of applying these chemicals directly to the skin.

When shopping for these products, avoid the shampoo and makeup that has several ingredients that you cannot even pronounce. Shoot for products that have natural plant based ingredients that will be more healthy for you and the planet.

5. Reconsider Your Recycling

We can all do a better job of recycling. Properly disposing of paper, plastic, and electronic garbage can have a huge impact on the environment. Some simple steps include reducing the amount of plastic water bottles you buy and start using your tap water. Studies have confirmed that most tap water is just as healthy as the bottled water. And the country is struggling with the disposal of the empty plastic water bottles.

Also, when throwing out old electric equipment, research your local disposal areas for companies that properly dispose of these products. Some will even pay you for your old electronics.

Finally, try to buy products that are not over packaged. Look for products that our simply wrapped and do not have excess plastic and paper wrappings. Hopefully, companies will start to realize the damage they cause by over packaging simple products.

There are many additional steps to Going Green, but these 5 simple steps are a step in the right direction. They are healthy for both you and the planet. Hopefully, going green will not be a fad but will be a tradition for several generations to come.

Going Green


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